Health and Wellness Teas

Restorative, Immune Boosting, and Delicious as Well!

Browse all St. James Health and Wellness Teas

Daybreak in Martinique

Smooth & delicate French lavender Earl Grey rooibos tea.


Fortune’s Favor

Sugared pear pieces blended with green and white tea leaves.


Ginger Peach White

Sweet, sumptuous peaches blended with spicy organic ginger.


Golden Dragon Ginseng

Spiced herbal tea with apples, ginger, and hints of citrus.


Gunpowder Green

Fine-quality, rich green tea rolled to resemble gunpowder.


Higbie & Sons Collection: Spice Caravan

Light herbal tea with cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom spices.


Lavender Lace

Relaxing lavender laced with mint and a touch of cinnamon.


Matcha-iri Genmaicha

Toasty yet elegant Japanese green tea & roasted rice.


Serene Berry Nectar Organic Oolong

Sip and discover the secret of longevity: red goji berries.


Yin Hao Jasmine Green Tea

Floral green tea with jasmine blossoms and a pleasing aroma.


Thank you for exploring our Health and Wellness Teas

Though all teas are packed with antioxidants and natural compounds, these Health and Wellness teas surpass the rest for nourishing the body and mind and promoting overall well-being.

From energizing green teas such as “Gunpowder Green” to calming “Lavender Lace,” there’s a perfect blend to support every wellness goal. Whether you seek to boost immunity, reduce stress, or simply enjoy a moment of tranquility, these revitalizing infusions offer a delicious and wholesome way to prioritize your health.

We hope our Health and Wellness Teas bring you restored vitality and strength, so you can live life to the fullest!